Useful links
Version française      

Collection BLEU
Browse scores published by André Riotte and order online (will be available shortly).

Société Française d'Analyse Musicale. André Riotte has been
vice-chairman since 1993.

Centre de Documentation de Musique Contemporaine (CDMC)
Select the “Autour des compositeurs” heading.

Éditions DELATOUR France
Type “riotte” in the search box of the site to display a list of works
and musical scores by André Riotte.

Éditions De Plein Vent
Publisher of early works and some of the major works of André Riotte: Anamorphoses, Jubilation , Météorite et ses Métamorphoses.
Click on “Boutique” and select “piano”, “musique de chamber” or “musique d'orchestre”. Click on the titles of the scores to see excerpts.

Music Representations Group.


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